
Upcoming events

Past events


Welcome Back Cocktail

We are delighted to invite you to our Welcome Back Cocktail at the 6th floor restaurant of the Court of Auditors. Please also invite any newcomers to Luxembourg who you think would be interested in attending and networking with other members.

Fees: EUR 10 per person (members, students and guests)


Detailed invitation


ABIAL Workshop – Fraud and financial crime: an introduction for accountants

This participative workshop will provide accountants with a need-to-know overview of common forms of fraud and financial crime. It will highlight the key warning signs and fraud hotspots within organisations and the practical steps that can be taken to reduce the risk.

The cost of the seminar (including refreshments and finger food) is:

EUR 20 for Members
EUR 40 for Guests (non-members) and
EUR 10 for the first 5 students of the UK or Irish Institutes on a first come and first served basis.

Invitation inc. detailed programme



Evening seminar: BEPS – the OECD presents…

David Roach, PwC Luxembourg’s Tax Technical Expert, has been following the BEPS project closely since its inception.

He will present his analysis and his personal views, amongst others, on what the key conclusions are, if this is the last we will hear of BEPS or on what this is now likely to mean for Luxembourg.

Colleagues who are not ABIAL members, but who have a particular interest in the topic, are particularly welcome to attend this meeting. Please circulate this invitation to your colleagues.

The cost of the seminar (including cocktail) is: EUR 20 for Members EUR 30 for Guests (non-members) and EUR 10 for the first 5 students of the UK or Irish Institutes on a first come and first served basis

Invitation incl. detailed programme



ABIAL New Year’s Cocktail

To provide an opportunity for our members and students to meet in a more casual atmosphere in the New Year we are delighted to invite you to our New Year’s Cocktail at the bar “Le Scheffer”. Please also invite any newcomers to Luxembourg who you think would be interested in attending and networking with other members.

FEE:              EUR 10 per person (members, students and guests)


Detailed invitation


ABIAL Breakfast Event

We were delighted to have Jonathan PrinceCo-Founder and Partner of Digicash Payments S.A. who spoke to us on “Mobile Money”.

Detailed invitation


Professional Practice Update – Fund PPU

Our last Professional Practice Update, the Fund PPU, took place on Tuesday, February 23, 2016 from 8:30 am to 1:30 pm at the Chamber of Commerce (7, rue Alcide de Gasperi).

71 people participated to this training session which included Marc-André Bechet, Director Legal & Tax at ALFI, who spoke on the state of the Luxembourg investment fund industry, an update on Legal, Regulatory and Tax matters as well as a panel discussion on opportunities and challenges of emerging fund structures and asset classes and a presentation on Fintech in the asset management sector.

Please find hereafter the available presentations:

State of the Luxembourg Investment Fund Industry – Marc-André Bechet, ALFI

Tax Update – Keith O’Donnell, ATOZ

Legal & Regulatory Update – Jérôme Wigny, EHP

Fintech in the asset management sector – Said Fihri, KPMG


ABIAL Breakfast Event

We were delighted that Jim Pettigrew, President of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland spoke to us on “The Power of One – Ethics and Integrity”.

Detailed invitation


Evening Seminar – The Luxembourg Pension System

We were delighted that Marco Moes explained us “The Luxembourg Pension System”.
Marco Moes works for the Bâloise Group in Luxembourg and is Manager of Amazon Insurance & Pension Services where he is responsible for the administration of pension funds, pension plans and actuarial calculations. He has more than 30 years of working experience in the pension and life insurance sector and worked already for the Luxembourg Social Security and Fortis. Marco holds a master in banking, assurance and finance.

Presentation – “Legal pensions in Luxembourg”

Detailed invitation


Professional Practice Update

Our last Professional Practice Update took place on Wednesday, June 1, 2016 from 8:30 am to 1:30 pm at the Chamber of Commerce (7, rue Alcide de Gasperi).

ABIAL created an extensive program outlining audit and accounting issues as well as a panel discussions on, amongst others, the audit rotation, the audit reform and the changing role of the Audit Committee.

Please find hereafter the available presentations:

IFRS Update by Caroline Nicoletti, EY

Cybersecurity and the Auditor by Thomas Koch, KPMG

Audit reform – Panel session introduced by Justin Griffiths, Deloitte



Annual General Meeting

We are delighted to invite you to our Annual General Meeting at La Cave à Fromages (1, route Bender, 1229 Luxembourg).

The event will include short presentations made by the ABIAL Chairperson, Treasurer and Honorary Auditor. The floor will then be opened to the members to raise any questions pertaining to the organization and running of the ABIAL. The event will also include cheese and wine tasting with wines from around the world.

Fees: EUR 20 per person


Detailed invitation


Welcome Back Cocktail

To provide an opportunity for ABIAL members and students to meet in a more casual atmosphere after the summer break we are delighted to invite you to our annual Welcome Back Cocktail.

Please do invite any newcomers to Luxembourg who you think would be interested in attending this ABIAL event.

Fee: 10 EUR per person

Detailed invitation



Evening Seminar – From BEPS to Apple, via the EU Commission – where the tax avoidance battle is going, internationally and locally

ABIAL invites you to spend an evening with experts, who will update you on what has happened so far in 2016, and give their views on what the future might now hold. Our speakers will be Liam Lynch, current President of Chartered Accountants Ireland and Tax Partner with KPMG Dublin, David Roach, PwC Luxembourg’s BEPS commentator and Louis Thomas, Tax Partner with KPMG Luxembourg.

Fees: EUR 20 for Members; EUR 30 for Guests (non-members) and EUR 10 for the first 5 students of the UK or Irish Institutes on a first come and first served basis

Detailed invitation




ABIAL Breakfast Event

We are delighted that Liam Lynch, President of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ireland will speak to us on “Irish Chartered Accountants at home and away in 2016 – a discussion with the President”.

Fee: EUR 15 for Members, EUR 25 for Guests (non-members) and EUR 10 for first 5 students of the UK or Irish Institutes (first come first served basis)

Detailed invitation




ABIAL Lunch Event

We are delighted that Hilary Lindsay, President of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales visits us for a lunch discussion on “the impact of Brexit“.

Join this interactive event and share your views! What are your priorities to raise with the UK government? What are the potential impact/outcomes for British professional accountants living and working in Europe and for non-British professional accountants working with the UK in future? And how can UK government and UK businesses be encouraged that Europe is a market for trade?

Fees: EUR 35 for qualified members of the UK or Irish Institutes, EUR 45 for non-members and EUR 10 for first 5 students of the UK or Irish Institutes (first come first served basis)

Detailed invitation 



ABIAL New Year’s Cocktail

To provide an opportunity for our members and students to meet in a casual atmosphere to celebrate the New Year, we are delighted to invite you to the ABIAL New Year’s Cocktail 2017. Please do invite any newcomers to Luxembourg who you think would be interested in attending and networking with other members.

FEE: EUR 10 per person (members, students and guests)

Detailed invitation



Evening Event – Luxembourg Inheritance Rules and Taxes

Edouard Delosch from Notaire Delosch and Frederic Scholtus from KPMG Luxembourg informed the participants about the civil legal aspects of Luxembourg inheritance law as well as about the indirect and direct tax aspects regarding the registration fees. Some practical examples finally completed the information session.

During the presentation two books were recommended on the topic, which are

“Les successions en Europe” Le droit national de 42 pays européens (CNUE – IRENE – CAE) édition 2016
“Le droit Patrimonial Luxembourgeois” Aspects civils et fiscaux, troisième édition retravaillée (ISBN: 978-90-46-58594-8)

Presentation (pdf)



Professional Practice Update – Investment Fund Industry

We had the pleasure to organise our Professional Practice Update on the Investment Fund industry on Wednesday, March 1, 2017 from 8:30 am to 1:30 pm at the Chamber of Commerce (7, rue Alcide de Gasperi).

ABIAL created an extensive program which included Anouk Agnès from ALFI, who spoke on the state of the Luxembourg investment fund industry, an update on Legal and Regulatory aspects, the evolution of the fund distribution as well as a panel discussion on the practical implications and impacts Brexit has on the fund industry.

Detailed invitation

The various presentations are available hereafter:

1. State of the Luxembourg Investment Fund Industry – Anouk Agnès, ALFI

2. Fund distribution evolution – Said Fihri, KPMG

3. Legal and Regulatory update – Jérôme Wigny, EHP

4. Panel discussion: Brexit – practical implications and impact on fund industry

5. Tax Update – Keith O’Donnell, Atoz


EVENT POSTPONED – DATE TBC: Evening Event – IT Security

IT security and data protection are concerns that we all recognise – and stories of data leaks, e-mail hacking, and IT fraud all still seem to appear in our newspapers every day.

ABIAL warmly invites all its members – and guests – to an early evening of presentations on these topics.

Vincent Villers, PwC Luxembourg’s lead partner advising on IT security matters, will warn us about some of the current threats. He will focus on two topics. Frédéric Vonner, a PwC Luxembourg partner, is a specialist adviser on data protection law and practice, an area where regulation is growing and tightening.

Fee: EUR 20 for Members; EUR 30 for Guests (non-members) and EUR 10 for the first 5 students of the UK or Irish Institutes on a first come and first served basis.

Detailed invitation


CANCELLED – Evening Event – IT Security

ABIAL warmly invites all its members – and guests – to an early evening of presentations on IT security and data protection. These topics are concerns that we all recognise – and stories of data leaks, e-mail hacking, and IT fraud all still seem to appear in our newspapers every day.

What should you be worried about? And do you know about the EU’s new “General Data Protection Regulation”? Vincent Villers, PwC Luxembourg’s lead partner advising on IT security matters, will warn us about some of the current threats. He will focus on two topics. Frédéric Vonner, a PwC Luxembourg partner, is a specialist adviser on data protection law and practice, an area where regulation is growing and tightening.

Fees: EUR 20 for Members; EUR 30 for Guests (non-members) and EUR 10 for the first 5 students of the UK or Irish Institutes on a first come and first served basis


Detailed invitation


ABIAL Annual General Meeting

We would like to invite you to attend the ABIAL Annual General Meeting, at La Cave à Fromages (1, route Bender).

The event will include short presentations made by the ABIAL Chairperson, Treasurer and Honorary Auditor. The floor will then be opened to the members to raise any questions pertaining to the organisation and running of the ABIAL.

The event will also include cheese and wine tasting with wines from the Mediterranean region.

Fees: The cost for the cheese and wine-tasting event is EUR 20. 

Detailed invitation



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