Evening Event – Luxembourg Inheritance Rules and Taxes

From February 14, 2017 at 18:00 to at 20:30

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Edouard Delosch from Notaire Delosch and Frederic Scholtus from KPMG Luxembourg informed the participants about the civil legal aspects of Luxembourg inheritance law as well as about the indirect and direct tax aspects regarding the registration fees. Some practical examples finally completed the information session.

During the presentation two books were recommended on the topic, which are

“Les successions en Europe” Le droit national de 42 pays européens (CNUE – IRENE – CAE) édition 2016
“Le droit Patrimonial Luxembourgeois” Aspects civils et fiscaux, troisième édition retravaillée (ISBN: 978-90-46-58594-8)

Presentation (pdf)


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